CPNP Notification: regulatory changes after Brexit
As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom has become a third country; some important regulatory changes have therefore taken place to take into consideration. In our past articles we have already presented the changes for the responsible person and the PIF editing for a cosmetic product. Today let’s see together what happens at the level of the notification of a cosmetic product. […]
PIF – Product Information File: regulatory changes after Brexit
As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom has become a third country; some important regulatory changes have therefore taken place to take into consideration. In our last article we have already presented the changes for the responsible person for a cosmetic product. Today let’s see together what happens at the level of an essential document for all cosmetic products: the PIF. […]
Responsible Person: Regulatory Changes After Brexit
What are the changes affecting the Responsible Person after Brexit? As of January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom has become a third country; some important regulatory changes have therefore taken place. Let’s see them together. […]
The CPNP portal for notification of cosmetic products
What is CPNP? The Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP) is an online notification system. Through the CPNP the competent authorities and the poison centers can have access to some information necessary both for the surveillance and analysis of the cosmetic market, and to define the medical treatment in the event of an accident. […]
Obligations for the distributor of cosmetic products
To distribute a cosmetic product in the European Union produced by a third-party under the brand of the “Responsible Person”, it is necessary to comply with some obligations defined in Article 6 of the European Regulation (EC) 1223/2009. […]
Sanctions foreseen for violations of the Cosmetic Regulations
Violations of the Cosmetic Regulations entail a wide range of administrative sanction and, in the most serious cases, criminal sanctions. The individual Member States describe the violations contemplated, the related sanctions and the person affected by these sanctions. For Italy, these data are described in detail in Legislative Decree 4 December 2015, n. 204 published in the Official Gazette. […]