About us 2024-09-13T14:58:30+02:00

About us

About us

TRUSTiCERT is a SME acting as regulatory and scientific partner in the cosmetic, food and vaping industry.

TRUSTiCERT is an innovative SME acting as regulatory and scientific partner in the cosmetic, food and vaping industry.

About us

The TRUSTiCERT roots are in the world of academic research. The founders include an ex-researcher in molecular evolution, a researcher of the CNR-ITB of Milan and a professore in general botany.


TRUSTiCERT’s highest objective is to support health and wellness through the diffusion of new products and technologies. Its mission is to bring the fruits and knowledge born from research and relationships with institutions to the market and companies, to increase its international competitiveness with a view to technological and regulatory leverage.

The departments

TRUSTiCERT is composed by six departments with as many Ph. D in strategic positions.

Get comfortable
The customer support department guides the customer towards compliance by a dedicated assistant at your disposal who is responsible for coordinating all the processes related to your products, following the deadlines and acting as a qualified referent for each request to and from the relevant Authorities.

Our bridge with institutions, to always be a step ahead.
The regulatory department guarantees an in-depth knowledge of the regulatory landscape, which enriches by conducting a regular dialogue with the relevant institutions to know in advance its evolutions.

Product safety: the only thought of our scientists.
The scientific department supplies precious and competent assistance in several areas: from the issue of a specific toxicological dossier for e-liquids ingredient, to the identification of hazardous components, to the evaluation of the health impact through in vitro and in silico analyses according to the modern 3R and Tox21 paradigms.

Nothing escapes our CPUs.
The IT department develops automatized data management systems, data elaboration and data transfer through high security and controlled processes. It also carries out in a complete safety and privacy for the operation of electronic parts.

We like to be clear.
Marketing and Communication department makes available its own experience to create websites, blog or social pages/promotional campaigns for making the population known about complex technical and scientific aspects, in order to spread the safety and quality aspects of customers’ products.

Brilliant minds for your brilliant ideas.
The R&D department develops intellectual properties and transfers technology and innovation to the best branch companies.

The collaborations

Thanks to several agreements with accredited laboratories, TRUSTiCERT benefits from the most advanced technologies to fully satisfy the requirements imposed by the legislation landscape. We work with the best chemical and toxicological research groups thanks to precious collaboration with international bodies and research centers.