Database of public alerts on non-compliant products: The Safety Gate

2021-07-23T11:13:37+02:00 July 23rd, 2021|Pratical tips, Regulations|0 Comments

The Safety Gate is a rapid alert system which enables the quick exchange of information between EU/EEA member states, the UK and the European Commission about dangerous non-food products posing a risk to health and safety of consumers. Cosmetic products are also subject to this system: let’s see more details together.

Once a non compliant product is found in one member state, the related authority can insert in the Safety Gate all the data related to this product; particular regard is paid to the elements posing a risk for the customer and the actions taken to remove the threat (e.g. withdrawal of the product from the market). This information is shared with all other member states and published in a web-accessible database. Also consumers can visit this portal to find out if certain products have conformity issues.

The detected non-conformity can be related to different regulations: from those specific to the type of products in question (e.g. for cosmetic products in Reg. (CE) n. 1223/2009) to more general regulations.

Cosmetic products are also subjected to the alert system. Several cosmetic products have been reported to The Safety Gate for different reasons, such as harmful chemicals content, no compliant packaging, missing or wrong information to consumers ect.

To avoid being inserted in the list (and to avoid all the unpleasant consequences of that), it’s important to carefully project and develop the products to be marketed, and to fully comply with the regulatory procedures and requirements.

Contact us to assess the compliance of your product or to learn more about regulatory procedure!